Title:  Kage (Tentative)
Medium:  Pen & Ink, Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Future Plans:  None for the specific piece (Maybe drop shoulder pads and add cloak?)

	Kage is another character for Soul and Sword.  Unlike the Vulcan piece, I think
this piece helps captures the personality and feel of the character.  You can start to sense 
Kage's anger and isolation.  He's one of the first characters I started to get a grasp for when 
developing the story, and his appearance has probably gone through the most dramatic 
changes over the years (Note to self - find older sketches, humiliate self by revealing 
old art to readers.).  The current incarnation is pretty close to how I see him working 
in the book, with the exception of the shoulder pads.  I see him being a more stealthy, 
secretive kind of guy, and big chunks of metal are rarely a good thing in that department.  

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